A few updates

I am pleased to announce that starting soon, we will have Sneagan Meditation Mondays with my friend Sneagan. He’s taking a Theology of the Body class at Ave Maria University in Flordia, about an hour from where I currently live. We were introduced through my friend Harrison who has been a source of continued guidance as I have approached confirmation. He took the plunge this Easter, and I’ll be taking it in Easter 2011.

Anyways, here’s what to look forward to. Sneagan will be writing two 100 word reflections per week on the Theology of the Body. He will email them to me, and I will post them here, since he’s been kind enough to offer them to me. Hopefully this will help us along the way. Anyways, that’s one thing to look forward to.

Another is a more formal approach to seminar saturday. We’ll be working with themes and topics as I can draw in authors and writers who care to be engaged with the “Journey with the Holy Father” project. If you care to be involved and are Catholic, Protestant or Orthodox, or just interested in adding or asking questions but are part of a non-Christian religion, go ahead and email me(see the contact/about me page) or, leave some comments. I’m looking for contributions and people who care to add to the discussion on the work of such an important man.

Anyways, the final thing to look forward to is Holy Father Fridays, which will be a once a month project unless I can find a correspondent who would like to take over and do a weekly quotation or passage or sermon from the Holy Father and either add a commentary on shorter pieces, or a short introduction on longer pieces.

I’m always looking to make more friends. Let me know if you’re interested.
